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Updated on 4/19/2022

:telescope: :construction: This feature is still experimental now. Although it should work properly, I have not made many tests. Maybe there would be some unwanted and unknown behaviors.

This script provides an alternative way for launching the desktop and noVNC. It is more convenient than using the commands like these:

MACHINE_IP=$(hostname -I | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}')
tigervncserver -name xubuntu -depth 24 -geometry 1920x1080
noVNC --vnc $MACHINE_IP:5901 --listen 6080

The above script is the default method for launching the desktop. It requires users to hit Ctrl+C to terminate noVNC, and then call tigervncserver -kill :1 to terminate the desktop.

If users have already terminated the desktop, or have not launched the desktop yet, they will be able to launch the desktop by just typing the following command:


This command will fork two processes in the current process. One is the XTigervnc desktop, and the other one is the noVNC. There will be a lot of logs popping up to the current terminal. If users want to terminate the desktop and noVNC, just hitting Ctrl+C is enough. There will be no need for calling tigervncserver -kill :1 in this case.

Potential problem

Since the desktop and noVNC are forked in the sub-processes. It is possible that the desktop is not terminated after hitting Ctrl+C. In this case, users can only check the PID of the desktop by ps -aux, and use the kill -9 <PID> to terminate the desktop.

However, it may be OK if users save the image without successfully killing the desktop. Because the launching script of xvnc-launch seems to be not influenced by this problem. This behavior is not like tigervncserver.

Start the desktop by xvnc-launch

Instead of using the default launching method, users can also use xvnc-launch to start the desktop by specifying the option of the docker run command:

docker run --gpus all -it --rm --shm-size=1g -v ~:/homelocal -p 6080:6080 xubuntu:1.7 --xvnc

Run the desktop in the root mode

If users provide the --root option to xvnc-launch, the desktop will be started by root user:

xvnc-launch --root

Certainly, it is equivalent to this command:

sudo xvnc-launch

The root mode can be also launched by docker run:

docker run --gpus all -it --rm --shm-size=1g -v ~:/homelocal -p 6080:6080 xubuntu:1.7 --rootxvnc