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Updated on 4/19/2022

This script is mainly designed for helping users make configurations and file modifications quickly. To learn the usage of the script, users could type

yjin-tool --help

The newest script can be found here: :link:

Here we explain some mostly used usages:


Running the script without any arguments will be equivalent to running the following command:

yjin-tool --df

It will return the detailed usage of the hard disk.


This method is used for checking the disk consumption of folders or files. To summarize the sizes of all sub-folders and files in the current directory, just type:

sudo yjin-tool --du *

It can be used like this:

sudo yjin-tool --du folder1 folder2


Change the owner and group of any files, and add +rwx authority to them.

sudo yjin-tool --mod folder1 file1 user=xubuntu

This command can help users to change the ownership of a file owned by root quickly.

The last argument user=<...> is always required to be configured. It means the new owner will be xubuntu.


yjin-tool --rmvnc

It is equivalent to

tigervncserver -kill :1
rm ~/.vnc/*.log || fail
rm ~/.vnc/passwd || fail
ls ~/.vnc || fail

:warning: Running this command will delete all personal profiles of TigerVNC. In other words, the VNC will be reset to the status with no password configured.


This command will create soft links in a specific folder, the usage is like this:

yjin-tool --ln folder1 folder2 file1 file2 ... target=.

For each path, if it is a folder (like folder1 or folder2), the command will iterate each file inside the folder, and create the symbolic links of these iterated files. However, if the given path is a file, the symbol link will be created from the given file.

This command will not walk into the sub-folders recursively.

The last argument target=. means that the symbolic links will be created in the current folder.


This command will be used for creating environmental variables related to git configurations. The usage is like this:

yjin-tool --gitconfig user=<your-git-id> token=<your-git-token>.

The first argument user=<...> should not be xubuntu. Instead, it should be your GitHub ID. The second argument should be your GitHub OAuth Token.

After making these configurations, you can clone a private repository like this:

git clone https://${GITTOKEN}<your-git-id>/<your-git-repo>.git <folder-name>

The clone can be done instantly. It will not ask you to provide the token now.