Class ยท Source
proc =
dim, kernel_length=9, epsilon=1e-6, inds=None, parent=None
This is a homogeneous processor. It would remove the lower-frequency part of the data (smoothed data), and use this part for normalization. The normalizer could be formulated as:
where \(\mathbf{x}_n\) and \(\mathbf{y}_n\) are the ith input argument and the corresponding output argument respectively. The value \(L\) is the smoothing window length, i.e. kernel_length
. The value \(\varepsilon\) determines the lower bound of the divisor during the scaling.
It is recommended to make kernel_length
large enough especially when the data is very noisy.
Argument | Type | Description |
dim | int | The dimension of the input data, this value would also determine the dimension of the sliding window. Could be 1 , 2 , or 3 . |
kernel_length | int or(int, ) | The length of the sliding window. Could provide a window shape by using a sequence. |
epsilon | The lower bound of the divisor used for scaling. | |
inds | int or(int, ) | Index or indicies of variables where the user implemented methods would be broadcasted. The variables not listed in this argument would be passed to the output without any processing. If set None , methods would be broadcasted to all variables. |
parent | ProcAbstract | Another instance derived from . The output of parent.preprocess() would be used as the input of self.preprocess() . The input of self.postprocess() would be used as the input of parent.preprocess() . |
y_1, y_2, ... = proc.preprocess(x_1, x_2, ...)
The preprocess function. Calculate the non-stationary re-scaled values from the input variables.
If parent
exists, the input of this function comes from the output of parent.preprocess()
. Otherwise, the input would comes from the input varibable directly.
Argument | Type | Description |
(x, ) | np.ndarray | A sequence of variables. Each variable comes from the parent's outputs (if parent exists). The output of this method would be passed as the input of the next processor (if this processor is used as parent). |
Argument | Description |
(y, ) | A sequence of np.ndarray , the final preprocessed data. |
x_1, x_2, ... = proc.postprocess(y_1, y_2, ...)
The postprocess function. The inverse operator of the non-stationary scaling.
If parent
exists, the output of this function would be passed as the input of parent.postprocess()
. Otherwise, the output would be returned to users directly.
Argument | Type | Description |
(y, ) | np.ndarray | A sequence of variables. Each variable comes from the next processors's outputs (if parent exists). The output of this method would be passed as the input of the parent's method. |
Argument | Description |
(x, ) | A sequence of np.ndarray , the final postprocessed data. |
The dimension of the input data.
The length of the sliding window when calculating the low-frequnecy shifting value and scaling value.
A value used as the lower bound of the divisor. This value is set small enough in most cases.
The parent processor of this instance. The processor is also a derived class of ProcAbstract
. If the parent does not exist, would return None
A bool flag, showing whether this processor and its all parent processors have inds
configured or initialized with _disable_inds
. In this case, the arguments of preprocess()
and postprocess()
would not share the same operation. We call such kind of processors "Inhomogeneous processors".
The processor need to be derived. We have two ways to implement the derivation, see the following examples.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 |
Processed shape: (5, 100) (7, 200)
Processed mean: -0.003896614253474869 -0.00024727896038973684
Processed max: 1.0 1.0
Inverse error: 8.881784197001252e-16 1.7763568394002505e-15