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layer = mdnc.modules.resnet.BlockPlain1d(
    in_planes, out_planes,
    kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, output_size=None,
    normalizer='pinst', activator='prelu', layer_order='new', scaler='down'

In the following paper, the authors propose two structres of the residual block.

Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition

This is the implementation of the plain (first-type) residual block. The residual block could be divided into two branches (input + conv). In this plain implementation, the convolutional branch is a composed of double convolutional layers. Shown in the following chart:

flowchart TB
    in((" ")) --> conv1[Modern<br>convolution] --> conv2[Modern<br>convolution] --> plus(("+")):::diagramop --> out((" "))
    in --> plus
    classDef diagramop fill:#FFB11B, stroke:#AF811B;

If the channel of the output changes, or the size of the output changes, a projection layer implemented by a convolution with kernel_size=1 is required for mapping the input branch to the output space:

flowchart TB
    in((" ")) --> conv1[Modern<br>convolution] --> conv2[Modern<br>convolution] --> plus(("+")):::diagramop --> out((" "))
    in --> pconv[Projection<br>convolution] --> plus
    classDef diagramop fill:#FFB11B, stroke:#AF811B;

In the following paper, a new op composition order is proposed for building residual block:

Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks

This implementation called "pre-activation" would change the order of the sub-layers in the modern convolutional layer (see mdnc.modules.conv.ConvModern1d). We support and recommend to use this implementation, set layer_order = 'new' to enable it.



Argument Type Description
in_planes int The channel number of the input data.
out_planes int The channel number of the output data.
kernel_size int The kernel size of this layer.
stride int The stride size of this layer. When scaler='down', this argument serves as the down-sampling factor. When scaler='up', this argument serves as the up-sampling factor.
padding int The padding size of this layer. The zero padding would be performed on both edges of the input before the convolution.
output_size int The length of the output data. This option is only used when scaler='up'. When setting this value, the size of the up-sampling would be given explicitly and the argument stride would not be used.
normalizer str The normalization method, could be:
  • 'batch': Batch normalization.
  • 'inst': Instance normalization.
  • 'pinst': Instance normalization with tunable rescaling parameters.
  • 'null': Without normalization, would falls back to the "convolution + activation" form. In this case, the layer_order='new' would not take effects.
activator str The activation method, could be: 'prelu', 'relu', 'null'.
layer_order str The sub-layer composition order, could be:
  • 'new': normalization + activation + convolution.
  • 'old': convolution + normalization + activation.
scaler str The scaling method, could be:
  • 'down': the argument stride would be used for down-sampling.
  • 'up': the argument stride would be used for up-sampling (equivalent to transposed convolution).



y = layer(x)

The forward operator implemented by the forward() method. The input is a 1D tensor, and the output is the final output of this layer.


Argument Type Description
x torch.Tensor A 1D tensor, the size should be (B, C, L), where B is the batch size, C is the input channel number, and L is the input data length.


Argument Description
y A 1D tensor, the size should be (B, C, L), where B is the batch size, C is the output channel number, and L is the output data length.


In the first example, we build a plain residual block with ½ down-sampling and same padding.

Example 1
import mdnc

layer = mdnc.modules.resnet.BlockPlain1d(16, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1, scaler='down')
mdnc.contribs.torchsummary.summary(layer, (16, 255), device='cpu')
        Layer (type)               Output Shape         Param #
    InstanceNorm1d-1              [-1, 16, 255]              32
             PReLU-2              [-1, 16, 255]              16
            Conv1d-3              [-1, 16, 255]             768
    InstanceNorm1d-4              [-1, 16, 255]              32
             PReLU-5              [-1, 16, 255]              16
            Conv1d-6              [-1, 32, 128]           1,536
            Conv1d-7              [-1, 32, 128]             512
    InstanceNorm1d-8              [-1, 32, 128]              64
      BlockPlain1d-9              [-1, 32, 128]               0
Total params: 2,976
Trainable params: 2,976
Non-trainable params: 0
Input size (MB): 0.02
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 0.28
Params size (MB): 0.01
Estimated Total Size (MB): 0.31

Note that the output length would be 128 in this example, because the same padding is used for the input. In this case, if we want to make a reverse layer, we could specify the output_size for the up-sampling layer, for example:

Example 2
import mdnc

layer = mdnc.modules.resnet.BlockPlain1d(32, 16, kernel_size=3, output_size=255, padding=1, scaler='up')
mdnc.contribs.torchsummary.summary(layer, (32, 128), device='cpu')
        Layer (type)               Output Shape         Param #
    InstanceNorm1d-1              [-1, 32, 128]              64
             PReLU-2              [-1, 32, 128]              32
            Conv1d-3              [-1, 32, 128]           3,072
    InstanceNorm1d-4              [-1, 32, 128]              64
             PReLU-5              [-1, 32, 128]              32
          Upsample-6              [-1, 32, 255]               0
            Conv1d-7              [-1, 16, 255]           1,536
          Upsample-8              [-1, 32, 255]               0
            Conv1d-9              [-1, 16, 255]             512
   InstanceNorm1d-10              [-1, 16, 255]              32
     BlockPlain1d-11              [-1, 16, 255]               0
Total params: 5,344
Trainable params: 5,344
Non-trainable params: 0
Input size (MB): 0.02
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 0.41
Params size (MB): 0.02
Estimated Total Size (MB): 0.44

Last update: March 14, 2021
