Function ยท Source
gen, num,
xlabel=None, ylabel='value', x_tick_labels=None, y_log=False,
figure_size=(6, 5.5), legend_loc=None, legend_col=None,
fig=None, ax=None
Plot a bar graph for multiple result groups. Each group is given by a 1D data sample array.
Argument | Type | Description |
gen | object | A generator callable object (function), each yield returns a sample. It allows users to provide an extra kwargs dict for each iteration (see Examples). For each iteration, it returns a 1D data. |
num | int | The total number of data samples yield by the generator. |
xlabel | str | The x axis label. |
ylabel | str | The y axis label. |
x_tick_labels | (str, ) | The x tick labels (a sequence) that is used for overriding the original value [0, 1, 2, ...] . |
y_log | bool | A flag. Whether to convert the y axis into the logarithmic format. |
figure_size | (float, float) | A tuple with two values representing the (width, height) of the output figure. The unit is inch. |
legend_loc | str orint or(float, float) | The localtion of the legend, see matplotlib.pyplot.legend to view details. (The legend only works when passing label to each iteration). |
legend_col | int | The number of columns of the legend, see matplotlib.pyplot.legend to view details. (The legend only works when passing label to each iteration). |
fig | object | A matplotlib figure instance. If not given, would use plt.gcf() for instead. |
ax | object | A matplotlib subplot instance. If not given, would use plt.gca() for instead. |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 |
Last update: March 14, 2021