Hugo new features
In this part, we try to show some useful examples and new extensions that are added into this theme.
~ Keep It Simple & Stupid ~
In this part, we try to show some useful examples and new extensions that are added into this theme.
This is a Chinese article for showing the example about how to use MarkDown. Check here to see the original article on Github. In particular, this article is also an example of removing the default content, which only needs to add enableToc: false in config domain.
This is a Chinese article for authors who use this theme (hugo-nuo). Here are some examples about how to use the features of this theme. 这篇文章集中说明本人博客主题所支持的 Markdown 语法和 Hugo Shortcodes 插件,你也可以在这里预览到他们的样子。如果你不喜欢某些部分的样式,可以去修改 content.scss 和 shortcodes.scss 这两个文件。预告一下,我所用的这个名为 Nuo 的 Hugo 也将于近期发布,敬请期待。