Here are all notes for researches and weekly reports. Most of the content is notes for others’ researches. The codes and technological notes are not here.

Special Notes on Feb. 28, 2019
A derivation for the non-negative constrained least length problem. Here we only discuss the simplified form $\lVert \mathbf{x} \rVert_2^2,~\mathrm{s.t.}~\mathbf{Hx} \succeq \mathbf{h}$.

Special Notes on Feb. 27, 2019
Weekly notes. In this note we are mainly learning "NETT: Solving Inverse Problems with Deep Neural Networks".

Stochastic optimization I: from Monte-Carlo methods to Gibbs sampling
Here are special notes on Feb. 15, 2019. This is the first topic about stochastic optimization. In this topic, we will discuss the introductory theory about Monte-Carlo methods, Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and Gibbs sampling.

Notes from Jan. 29, 2019 to Feb. 15, 2019
A collection for other's researches about inverse problem. This article is an introduction and also a categorization.

Special Notes on Nov. 19, 2018
An inspection on Lovasz expansion for Jaccard index (with experimental codes).