Tensorflow Inspection for FWM Curves 180602

[PRIVATE] Using the forward model by tensorflow-python-api. We would discuss about how to use data driven methods and model driven methods here.

Forward Model : Curves 180602

[PRIVATE] A forward model which is migrated from matlab-c-api to python-c-api. By using this model, we could simulate the electromagnetic response of an underground geophysical model.

Deep Learning for AGT

[PRIVATE] DeepNet projects for AGT (Advanced Geophysical Technology) and 2018 SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists) conference. Now it contains a denoise project and a FWI prediction project.

Real-time Shaker Video Analysis for Shell Project

[PRIVATE] This is a mpegprocessor for Shell Project which is used to analyzing the video of a shale shaker. Since it has not been published, now it is not avaliable for reaching the project page.

Deep Learning Utilities

A C++ based tool collection for enhancing the pre-processing and IO of deep learning.

FFmpeg Encoder Decoder for Python

This is a C++ based FFmpeg Encoder/Decoder for Python 3.5+ & numpy 1.13+. Both Linux & Win versions are provided. Theoretically you do not need to install FFmpeg for using this library.

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