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Version: 3.2.x

Installation for Windows

This guide contains steps for installing or compiling the mpegCoder module manually. We recommend users who need to use mpegCoder in a project locally to install the package by this way.

Install the pre-compiled module

Download mpegCoder

First, users need to download the single module. We provide the downloading links in the following table. Please check the correct version according to your environment.

mpegCoderFFMpegNumpyPythonVSOS (v143)Windows 11 21H2 (v143)Windows 11 21H2 (v143)Windows 11 21H2 (v143)Windows 11 21H2 (v143)Windows 11 21H2

After extracting the tarball, we could get mpegCoder.pyd.


Note that the above versions only show the environment when building mpegCoder. It does not mean that they are the dependencies of running mpegCoder. For example, users could use python 3.9.5 and numpy 1.22.0 to run mpegCoder.

Install Numpy

To run mpegCoder, you are required to install Numpy with the correct version first. The best version for each mpegCoder release has been listed before. If your Numpy version is differnt from the best version too much, mpegCoder may not work. Here is the command for installation.

python -m pip install numpy==<version>

Download dependencies

The pre-compiled dependencies are available on our release page. The dependencies contain several .dll files. Users also need to download the tarball with the correct FFMpeg version, and extract the files.


The above files are collected from the officially released FFMpeg shared libraries. Users could also find them here.


To import the module, users need to place the mpegCoder.pyd and the dependencies in the same folder. For example,


After that, users could enter the same folder, and import the module by

import mpegCoder

Compile the module

If users need to compile the module by themselves, please follow the instructions on Github:

Compile with VS2022