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Troubleshooting for installation


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Questions and answers

Meet permission denied and import failure during the first run

  • Question: When I import mpegCoder for the first time, why it fails to download something into the site-pacakges folder?

  • Answer: To reduce the size of the .whl package, in the newer release, I decide to not pack the .dll / .so dependencies with mpegCoder. Instead, when importing mpegCoder for the first time, it will automatically download the dependencies into the package folder. To ensure that you have the permission to fetch the dependencies, I recommend the following to solutions:

    • The first solution is to install mpegCoder in a virtual environment where you own the permission.
    • The second solution is to run python -c "import mpegCoder" in Administrator mode or sudo mode. This command will let mpegCoder start to download the dependencies.

DLL not found

  • Question: When importing the module, why meeting the following error?

    ImportError: DLL load failed while importing mpegCoder: The specified module could not be found.
  • Answer: It seems that this error will only occurs when both the following conditions are satisfied:

    • You are using Windows.
    • You are using the maunally installed mpegCoder, not the pip version.

    This error is caused by the absent of required dependencies. It is typically caused when:

    • Your python version does not match the mpegCoder module.
    • The required DLL files are neither in the same folder of mpegCoder.pyd, nor in the path (environment variable PATH).
  • Fix: Download the dependencies and extract the DLLs in the same folder of mpegCoder.pyd.

.so not found

  • Question: When importing the module, why meeting the following error?

    ImportError: lib*****.so.**: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
  • Answer: It seems that this error will only occurs when both the following conditions are satisfied:

    • You are using Linux.
    • You are using the maunally installed mpegCoder, not the pip version.

    This error is caused by the absent of required dependencies. It is typically caused when:

    • Your python version does not match the mpegCoder module, in this case, the library name should be libpython3.*.so.**.
    • The required dependencies files are not in your environment variable $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
  • Fix: Download the dependencies and extract the missing .so to a folder in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

numpy.core.multiarray not found

  • Question: When importing the module, why meeting the following error?

    ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
  • Answer: You may not install Numpy, or your Numpy version is not match the pre-compiled mpegCoder. In most cases, a little bit mismatch of the Numpy would not cause this error. Maybe your Numpy version is different from the requirement too much. See Compilation list (Win) or Compilation list (Linux) to find the best Numpy version.

  • Fix: Reinstall Numpy, or compile mpegCoder by yourself.

GLibC 2.29 not found

  • Question: When importing the module, why meeting the following error?

    OSError: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by ******/mpegCoder/lib/
  • Answer: Your GLibC version is not >=2.29. To verify that, you could run

    ldd --version

    This problem often occurs when you are using an older Linux OS. The supported OS list could be found here.

  • Fix: We recommend to compile and install GLibC >=2.31. However, if users want a faster hotfix. Please follow the follwing instructions.

    If you are using mpegCoder from pip. You could find a folder named lib-fix in where mpegCoder is installed, then run the following command:

    ln -sf <path-of-mpegCoder>/lib-fix/ /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

    The same file ( could be also found in the Linux dependencies.

GLibC 2.28 not found

  • Question: When importing the module, why meeting the following error?

    OSError: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by ******/mpegCoder/lib/
  • Answer: Your GLibC version is not >=2.28. To verify that, you could run

    ldd --version

    This problem often occurs when you are using an older Linux OS. The supported OS list could be found here.

  • Fix: To our knowledge, this issue cannot be solved if you do not upgrade to a newer OS release or compile GLibC by yourself. In the next version, we will try to build our toolchain with compiling GLibC first. This change may eliminate this issue in the future release of mpegCoder.

libcrypyto not found

  • Question: When importing the module, why meeting the following error?

    OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
  • Answer: This problem is caused by a small mistake in the packaging. This dependency should be, but is actually not bundled with our mpegCoder. When using a non-conda environment on Ubuntu 22.04, you may meet this problem.

  • Fix: To solve this issue, please upgrade to mpegCoder>=3.1.1, or install a conda environment. If you do not want to do so, you can also use Debian 11 or Ubuntu 20.04.

Incorrect dependencies

  • Question: I have not installed any dependencies, and I am not using the PyPI version. Why could I import mpegCoder successfully?

  • Answer: You may have installed FFMpeg before. The FFMpeg libraries are already in your environment. It is danger to work with an incorrect FFMpeg version, because the FFMpeg APIs are keeping changing. Please ensure that your mpegCoder version and your FFMpeg version are consistent.

  • Fix: Install mpegCoder from PyPI, or download our dependencies, or compile mpegCoder by yourself.

tqdm has no attribute wrapattr

  • Question: When importing the module, why meeting the following error?

    AttributeError: type object 'tqdm' has no attribute 'wrapattr'
  • Answer: This problem only exists from mpegCoder==3.1.0b0 to mpegCoder==3.2.3, where tqdm is an optional package and not listed in the dependencies. However, this optional tqdm requires to have the feature tqdm.tqdm.wrapattr which was firstly introduced in tqdm==4.40.0. In other words, if a user has installed tqdm<4.40.0, this bug will trigger. On the other hand, if tqdm is not installed or with a version tqdm>=4.40.0, this bug should not happen.

  • Fix: To solve this issue, please upgrade to mpegCoder>=3.2.4, or run the following command for upgrading your tqdm:

    python -m pip install "tqdm>=4.40.0"