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Version: 0.4.x

Example applications

Example for dash users

When the package dash_json_grid is installed, users can test the following example application:

This application provides the following features:

  1. An input box for searching and highlighting the keywords in the data.
  2. A dropdown menu (selecting box) for change the themes.
  3. By selecting a part of the data, the selected path and value will be catched and shown.
  4. If a number is selected, make that number value increased by 1.

The other features are already mentioned in the usage guides. Besides, this demo application provides an example of catching and updating the selected value by using the selected_path from the callback.
Output("selected-path", "children"),
Output("selected-val", "children"),
Output("viewer", "data"),
Input("viewer", "selected_path"),
State("viewer", "data"),
def display_output(route, data):
if not route:
return None, None, dash.no_update

sel_data = dash_json_grid.DashJsonGrid.get_data_by_route(data, route)
if isinstance(sel_data, (int, float)):
sel_data_new = sel_data + 1
dash_json_grid.DashJsonGrid.update_data_by_route(data, route, sel_data_new)
return str(route), str(sel_data_new), data

return str(route), str(sel_data), dash.no_update

where get_data_by_route and update_data_by_route are class methods. They are used for locating the specific part of the data by route, and updating the part located by route, respectively.


Class methods like get_data_by_route are provided by this dash component implmentaion exclusively. In other words, if you are using react-json-grid, you need to implement the logics of getting or updating values by yourself.

More examples

We provide more examples in the API document. Check that part to view some useful code snippets.

Example purely based on React


This example can be only used when you are developing the source project. In other words, the React version is a developer-only example.

To launch this example, please ensure that the following dependencies are available

After that, clone the project and run the demo by:

git clone -b v0.4.3
cd dash-json-grid
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt -r tests/requirements.txt
yarn install
yarn start

Overall, this example has most features of the demo. However, since it is purely implemented React, in this example, we do not provide the features of getting and updating the selected value.


For somehow, the demo in the Introduction section is the same thing of this example. However, due to the limitation of the document, the live demo in this document is always synchronized with the newest version even if you choose an older version of the document. If you want to check the exact behavior of the legacy version, it is better to run the demo.