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Version: 0.5.0

Create a JSON Editor with dash-json-grid

This article explains the design of the following example script:

This demo can be run independently. To run it, please install the extra dependencies by:

pip install dash-json-grid[example]

Running the above command will install the following packages:

Then, this script can be downloaded and run directly.

A demo of a JSON editor based on dash-json-grid

This demo will provide the following features:

  • An application of modifying the JSON data with the usage of dash-json-grid.
  • Every time when the page is refreshed, the data is reset to the initial state.
  • Selecting a part of the JSON grid viewer will let a dialog window popping up.
  • In this dialog window, users can modify or deleting the selected data, and decide whether to confirm the modifications. To delete the data, users only need to let the editor empty.

Define the layout

In this demo, the layout contains two parts:


where we define the following components:

  • djg.DashJsonGrid: The viewer provided by this package.
  • dbc.Modal: The dialog that is shown only when a part of the JSON viewer is selected by users.
  • da.DashAceEditor: The code editor used for modifying the JSON data.
  • dbc.Alert: An alert box that appears only when an error happens during the attempt of modifying the JSON data.

Define the callbacks

We define three callbacks for this demo:

Output("editor", "is_open"),
# Need the following output because we want to trigger the dialog every time.
Output("viewer", "selected_path"),
Input("viewer", "selected_path"),
# Use "editor-alert" to replace "editor-confirm-btn" because we do not want to
# close the window if the error is detected.
Input("editor-alert", "children"),
Input("editor-cancel-btn", "n_clicks"),
def toggle_editor(
route: djg.mixins.Route, altert_text: Optional[str], n_clicks_cancel: int
trigger_id = dash.ctx.triggered_id
if trigger_id == "viewer":
if route and not djg.DashJsonGrid.compare_routes(route, []):
return True, dash.no_update
elif trigger_id == "editor-alert":
if not altert_text:
return False, []
elif trigger_id == "editor-cancel-btn":
if n_clicks_cancel:
return False, []

return dash.no_update, dash.no_update

The first callback is used for controlling the display of the dialog. It can be fired by three callback inputs:

  • viewer: When a part of the viewer is selected, turn on the dialog.
  • editor-alert: When the alert text is configured but not alert is provided, it means that the modification is successful. Turn off the dialog. If there is an alert, do not close the dialog.
  • editor-cancel-btn: When the Cancel button is clicked, turn off the dialog.

Note that this callback has a second output. This output selected_path is used for ensuring that the selected path of the viewer is reset when the dialog is closed. By default, the callback selected_path will be fired only when its value is changed. Therefore, providing this "reset" behavior can ensure that selected_path can fire a callback even if the same part of the viewer is clicked again.

The second callback determines the behavior of modifying the data.

Output("viewer", "data"),
Output("editor-alert", "is_open"),
Output("editor-alert", "children"),
Input("editor-confirm-btn", "n_clicks"),
State("editor-text", "value"),
State("viewer", "selected_path"),
State("viewer", "data"),
def confirm_data_change(
n_clicks_confirm: int, modified_data: str, route: djg.mixins.Route, data: Any
if not n_clicks_confirm:
return dash.no_update, dash.no_update, dash.no_update

if not route:
return dash.no_update, dash.no_update, dash.no_update

if not modified_data:
# This try-except block suppresses the error when deleting an "undefined"
# value.
djg.DashJsonGrid.delete_data_by_route(data, route)
except (KeyError, IndexError):
# If the entire data is deleted, the viewer will be not selectable. Therefore,
# disallow this case.
if not data:
return dash.no_update, True, "Error: It is not allowed to delete all data."
return data, "", False

# This try-except block display the error if the user-specified json text is
# invalid.
decoded_modified_data = json.loads(modified_data)
except json.JSONDecodeError as exc:
logging.error(exc, stack_info=True)
return (
"{0}: {1}.".format(exc.__class__.__name__, str(exc)),

if "selected_data" not in decoded_modified_data:
# This try-except block suppresses the error when deleting an "undefined"
# value.
djg.DashJsonGrid.delete_data_by_route(data, route)
except (KeyError, IndexError):
# If the entire data is deleted, the viewer will be not selectable. Therefore,
# disallow this case.
if not data:
return dash.no_update, True, "Error: It is not allowed to delete all data."
return data, "", False

# Display the error when the modified data does not fit the original data format.
# For example, if a table column is selected, and the number of rows provided by
# the user does not match the row number of the original data, this error will
# be raised.
data, route, decoded_modified_data["selected_data"]
except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError, ValueError) as exc:
logging.error(exc, stack_info=True)
return (
"{0}: {1}.".format(exc.__class__.__name__, str(exc)),

# If the entire data is deleted, the viewer will be not selectable. Therefore,
# disallow this case.
if not data:
return dash.no_update, True, "Error: It is not allowed to delete all data."

return data, "", False

It is only fired when the Confirm button is clicked and the dialog is open. Its outputs contain two components: When the modification is successful, use the updated data to replace the original data of the viewer. When there is an error raised by this callback, display the error message in the alert component editor-alert.

This modification callback has covered all special cases during the modification, its behavior can be summarized as follows:

  • When the dialog is open, the data should be formatted as a JSON dictionary like:
    {"selected_data": ...}
    where ... is the value that is selected.
  • When the text box is left empty or the keyword selected_data is removed from the dictionary, attempt to delete the selected part.
  • If the entire data becomes empty after the deleting, will show an error message and cancel the modification because the empty data will make the viewer not selectable anymore.
  • Several kinds of errors are covered. For example, the JSON data provided by the user input will be validated, and the format of the data should fit the format of the original data.

The final callback defines the behavior when a part of the viewer is selected and the dialog is open.

Output("editor-text", "value"),
Input("viewer", "selected_path"),
State("viewer", "data"),
def configure_current_editor_data(route: djg.mixins.Route, data: Any):
if not route:
return dash.no_update

# This try-except block catch the case when a cell tagged by "undefined" is
# selected. An "undefined" cell means that there is no value in this path, so
# the original data should be empty, too.
sel_data = djg.DashJsonGrid.get_data_by_route(data, route)
except (KeyError, IndexError): # Select an undefined cell.
return ""

selected_data = {"selected_data": sel_data}

return json.dumps(selected_data, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)

When the user click a part of the viewer, the selected_path property will fire this callback. This path will be used for locating the value that is clicked, serialize the value as JSON text, and format the input box as

{"selected_data": ...}

where ... is the selected value.