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Version: 0.1.x



comp = DashPictureAnnotation(
id: str | {str: Any} | None,
class_name: str | None,
style: {str: str} | None = {height: "60vh"},
style_annotation: str | AnnoStyle | None,
colors: {str: str} | None,
image: str | None,
data: Annotations | None,
options: [DashOptionItem] | {str: Any} | None,
selected_id: str | None,
placeholder_input: str = "Input tag here",
placeholder_dropdown: str = "Select a tag",
clearable_dropdown: bool = False,
disabled: bool = False,
is_color_dynamic: bool = False,
size_minimal: float | Size | None = {"width": 0, "height": 0}
loading_state: LoadingState

DashPictureAnnotation is a Dash porting version for the React component: react-picture-annotation/ReactPictureAnnotation.

This component provides a annotator that allows users to create, modify, or delete the annotation information for a specific picture. This dash version has been upgraded by adding the following features:

  1. Responsive size with respect to the parent component.
  2. Annotation type specified by a selector rather than an input box.
  3. Only trigger the data update when the mouse is released.
  4. Extensive functionalities for fine-grained customization of colors.
  5. Disabling the annotator by a flag.
  6. Setting a lower boundary of the annotation size to prevent small annotations created by mistake.

Component Properties

idstr | Mapping[str, Any] | NoneThe ID of the component. A dictionary-id is used for creating a pattern-matching callback :book:.
class_namestr | NoneThe css-class of the component. Use to separate different names.
styleMapping[str, str] | NoneThe css-styles which will override styles of the component container.
style_annotationstr | AnnoStyle | NoneThe css-styles of the annotation marker (box). If this value is specified as a string, the string will be parsed as the default color of the annotation boxes.
colorsMapping[str, str] | None

A dictionary of colors. The keys and the values represent the annotation name (specified by the comment property of data) and the color string, respectively.

This method is used for specifying the annotation colors manually. It has a higher priority compared to is_color_dynamic.

imagestr | NoneThe URL to the image to be currently displayed on the annotator. The usage is similar to the property of the HTML image tag: <img src={...}>.
dataAnnotations | NoneThe annotation data. This value is a sequence of annotation items. Each item contain the positional information and the annotation comment (the object type). This value will can be updated by callbacks or user operations on the annotator.
optionsSequence[DashSelectOptionItem] | Mapping[str, Any] | Sequence[Any] | | None

The available options of the annotator. The usage is like the selector component dcc.Dropdown(options=...). Each item represents an available choice of the annotation type.

If this value is empty, will use a input box that allows users to specify any type names.

selected_idstr | None

The ID of the currently selected annotation.

This property is read-only. It will be automatically set when users select an annotation. A valid ID is a string. When no annotation is selected, this property returns None.

placeholder_inputstrThe placeholder text when the editor is the input box (the property options is empty).
placeholder_dropdownstrThe placeholder text when the editor is the dropdown component (the property options contains valid items).
clearable_dropdownboolA flag. Set it to allow the annotation comment to be cleared when the dropdown box is being used.
disabledboolA flag for disabling the annotator (make unclickable).
is_color_dynamicboolA flag. If this flag is turned on, will make the color of each annotation box dynamically calculated based on the text of the annotation. An annotation box without a text comment will not be influenced.
size_minimalfloat | Size | None

The requirement of the minimal annotation size. Any newly created annotation with a size smaller than this size will be dropped.

If this value is configured as a scalar, will use it for both width and height.

If any of the value is not set or configured as invalid values, will use 0.

loading_stateLoadingStateThe loading state set by Dash. This value should not be used by users.


Check examples in the tutorial
