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Version: 0.2.1



scale: float,
offset_x: float,
offset_y: float,
timestamp: int,

Scale is a TypedDict.

The initial image scale. This value can only be configured by users. The scaling reflected by the wheel event will not influence this value. Note that this value needs to be updated by a different value to make it take effect.

If this value is configured as a scalar, will use it as the property scale.

The default values of offset_x and offset_y are 0.5.

The timestamp is optional. It can be used for letting component know that the given Scale is the newest.


It is strongly recommended that this value, i.e. the property init_scale, should be given by dpa.utilities.sanitize_scale().


This type can be acquired by

import dash_picture_annotation as dpa



scalefloatThe scale related to the initial scale of the annotated image. If not specified, will use 1.0.
offset_xfloatThe relative X offset. If not specified, will use 0.5 (center of the width).
offset_yfloatThe relative Y offset. If not specified, will use 0.5 (center of the height).
timestampintAn optional timestamp value. This value will not be actually used. If it is configured, it can be used for letting the component know the scale should be updated.