Examples of different types of caches
Example of using different cache types |
![]() |
We provide three demos to show the usage of different kinds of caches:
To run the examples with background callbacks, please install the optional dependencies by
python -m pip install dash[diskcache]
These demos implement the following equivalent functionalities.
- Provide three buttons: StringIO, BytesIO, and Path.
- By clicking StringIO, the
image will be loaded as text and sent to the frontend. - By clicking BytesIO, the
image will be loaded as raw bytes data and sent to the frontend. - By clicking Path, the path to the
image will be cached and the data will be loaded and sent to the frontend.
- By clicking StringIO, the
- When the button is clicked, the type of the data source, the address of the cached data, and the loaded image will be displayed.
- For demos powered by
, we deliberately make the callback wait shortly. During the running of the callback, i.e. the preparation of the image, the progress will be displayed.
Define the layout
Take single_process.py
as an example, the layout of the demo is defined as follows
html.P("Get Image by:"),
html.Button(id="btn-strio", children="StringIO"),
html.Button(id="btn-bytesio", children="BytesIO"),
html.Button(id="btn-path", children="Path"),
html.Div((html.P("Cache type:"), html.P(id="type"))),
html.Div((html.P("Cache address:"), html.P(id="addr"))),
html.Div((html.P("Cached Image:"), html.Img(id="cache"))),
The callbacks are fired by buttons, and the results will be finally displayed by
. Initially, this image component is empty, which means that no image
is shown.
When the button is clicked, the results will be updated to let users know which button is clicked recently, and the address of the cached data.
Define the callbacks
The callback accepts the button clicks as the inputs. According to the ID of the clicked
button, the data will be loaded by different ways. For example, when btn-strio
clicked, the SVG file will be loaded as text. The service method
takes the data and the file information as the input, and
return the address that can be used to access the image.
Output("type", "children"),
Output("addr", "children"),
Input("btn-strio", "n_clicks"),
Input("btn-bytesio", "n_clicks"),
Input("btn-path", "n_clicks"),
def click_get_image(
n_clicks_strio: Optional[int],
n_clicks_bytesio: Optional[int],
n_clicks_path: Optional[int],
prop_id = str(dash.callback_context.triggered[0]["prop_id"])
file_path = os.path.join(self.root, "test_image.svg")
if prop_id.startswith("btn-strio") and n_clicks_strio:
with open(file_path, "r") as fobj:
fio = io.StringIO(fobj.read())
elif prop_id.startswith("btn-bytesio") and n_clicks_bytesio:
with open(file_path, "rb") as fobj:
fio = io.BytesIO(fobj.read())
elif prop_id.startswith("btn-path") and n_clicks_path:
fio = file_path
return dash.no_update, dash.no_update
addr = self.service.register(
return str(fio.__class__.__name__), addr
After the running of this callback, the first returned value will show the type of the loaded data. The second returned value should be an address like this:
This address will be used to fire another callback subsequently, the definition of the next callback is:
Output("cache", "src"),
Input("addr", "children"),
def update_cache(addr):
if not addr:
return dash.no_update
return addr
This callback will forward the address to the src
property of the image component if
the address is not empty. In other words, the source address of the image will be
finally configured as /cache-data?uid=...
When the address of the image gets updated, since the component is read by the browser,
the browser will instantly access this cache address, which triggers the loading of the
data, thus letting users accept the data from flask.stream_with_context
Use background callbacks
The second and third examples show how to integrate the file cache with the background
callbacks running in sub-processes. To achieve such goals, users can only make very
small changes. Take tempfile_cache.py
as an example. The first modification is done
in the initialization.
class Demo:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.service = ServiceData(CacheFile(None))
self.root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
The cache is replaced by CacheFile
, which supports the
data I/O among different processes.
The second change is in the definition of the layout, where we add a component to show the running progress of the callback.
# hightlight-next-line
html.Div((html.P(("Progress:", html.Span(id="prog"))))),
html.Div((html.P("Cache type:"), html.P(id="type"))),
Finally, the callback is modified as follows:
Output("type", "children"),
Input("btn-path", "n_clicks"),
(Output("btn-strio", "disabled"), True, False),
(Output("btn-bytesio", "disabled"), True, False),
(Output("btn-path", "disabled"), True, False),
progress=[Output("prog", "children")],
def click_get_image(
set_progress: Callable[[Tuple[str]], None],
n_clicks_strio: Optional[int],
n_clicks_bytesio: Optional[int],
n_clicks_path: Optional[int],
prop_id = str(dash.callback_context.triggered[0]["prop_id"])
file_path = os.path.join(self.root, "test_image.svg")
n = 10
for i in range(n):
set_progress(("{0}%".format(int(round((i + 1) / n * 100))),))
addr = self.service.register(
return str(fio.__class__.__name__), addr
The only changes are only made for using the background callbacks and displaying the
progress. For the service.register
method, even if we change the cache class to
, the usage is totally the same.