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Version: 0.1.x

Customize annotation colors

We provide different ways to customize the annotation colors. By default, all annotation boxes are white. To change the default color of annotations, use style_annotation.
from typing import Optional

import dash
from dash import html, Output, Input
import dash_picture_annotation as dpa

app = dash.Dash()

get_mark = lambda x, y: {"x": x, "y": y, "width": 50, "height": 50, "type": "RECT"}

app.layout = html.Div(
html.Div(html.Button(id="btn-color", children="Set color")),
get_mark(50, 50),
get_mark(150, 50),
{"mark": get_mark(250, 50), "comment": "cls-1"},
{"mark": get_mark(350, 50), "comment": "cls-1"},
{"mark": get_mark(50, 150), "comment": "cls-1"},
{"mark": get_mark(150, 150), "comment": "cls-2"},
{"mark": get_mark(250, 150), "comment": "cls-3"},
{"mark": get_mark(350, 150), "comment": "cls-4"},

Output("annotator", "style_annotation"),
Input("btn-color", "n_clicks"),
def set_color(n_clicks: Optional[int]):
if n_clicks:
return "black"
return dash.no_update

This demo script will be used in the following parts of this guide. By default, i.e., when launching the app in the initial state, users should be able to see the white annotation boxes.

The default annotation color
Example of the default annotation color

Change the default annotation color

In the above script, the callback is defined as follows:

Output("annotator", "style_annotation"),
Input("btn-color", "n_clicks"),
def set_color(n_clicks: Optional[int]):
if n_clicks:
return "black"
return dash.no_update

When clicking the button, the default annotation colors will be switched to black. That's because the style_annotation property is updated by a str. When this value is str, it will be interpreted as a CSS color.

Change the default annotation color
Example of changing the default annotation color

A CSS color can be formatted by different ways. For example, the color black can be written as black, #000, #000000, rgb(0, 0, 0), hsl(0, 0%, 0%).

See more information in the CSS color documentation.

Change the default annotation color (fine-grained)

The style_annotation property can be configured by a more fine-grained dictionary. If it is a dictionary typed by dpa.AnnoStyle, the different parts of the annoatation box can be configured by different values, respectively. For example,

Output("annotator", "style_annotation"),
Input("btn-color", "n_clicks"),
def set_color(n_clicks: Optional[int]):
if n_clicks:
return dpa.AnnoStyle(shapeStrokeStyle="black", fontBackground="yellow")
return dash.no_update

In this example, the color of the box, and the background color of the comments are configured as "black" and "yellow", respectively. If a property of dpa.AnnoStyle is not specified, that property will be defined by the default value.

Change the default annotation color (fine-grained)
Example of changing the default annotation color (fine-grained)

Change the color of a specific class

The colors of the annotations can be specified according to their comment value. This feature allows users to distinguish the color of each annotation type manually. This configuration is specified by the property colors. For example, we define another button setting the specified colors. Once the button is clicked, the callback set_colors will trigger.

app.layout = html.Div(
html.Div(html.Button(id="btn-color", children="Set color")),
html.Div(html.Button(id="btn-colors", children="Set specified colors")),
dpa.DashPictureAnnotation(id="annotator", ...),

Output("annotator", "colors"),
Input("btn-colors", "n_clicks"),
def set_colors(n_clicks: Optional[int]):
if n_clicks:
return {"cls-1": "#E00", "cls-2": "#66ccff"}
return dash.no_update

The callback returns a dictionary where the key and value represent the comment and the color, respectively. The same comment will always be configured as the same color. In the following example, because the cls-1 is specified by #E00, all three annotation boxes with this comment are marked by the same color.

Specify the comment color
Example of specifying the comment color

The values of the colors property can be any kind of CSS color format. This usage is the same as the aforementioned style_annotation property.


Only the background color can be specified when using the colors property. The font color of the corresponding annotations is calculated automatically by the lightness of the specified background color.

Use dynamic class color

If users do not want to specify the colors of each comment manually, the color can be automatically calculated by specifying a flag named is_color_dynamic. In the folowing example, we use another button btn-dynamic to set this property.

app.layout = html.Div(
html.Div(html.Button(id="btn-color", children="Set color")),
html.Div(html.Button(id="btn-dynamic", children="Set dynamic colors")),
dpa.DashPictureAnnotation(id="annotator", ...),

Output("annotator", "is_color_dynamic"),
Input("btn-dynamic", "n_clicks"),
def set_dynamic(n_clicks: Optional[int]):
if n_clicks:
return True
return dash.no_update

By clicking the button, the colors of all annotation boxes with comments will be dynamically rendered. The color is rendered by calculating the hash code of the specified comment and using the hash to specify the hue of the color. Therefore, the color of the same comment is always the same. The color of the annotations without a comment still remains to be the default color.

Dynamic rendered colors
Example of dynamic rendered colors

Priority of different color properties

In this guide, we talk about three ways to configure the annotation colors. The following figure shows an example of letting all three properties be set as the above configurations. In other words, the configurations are equivalent to:

colors={"cls-1": "#E00", "cls-2": "#66ccff"},
Priority of different color properties
Example of the priority of color properties

The results show that the priority of the three properties are as follows:

"colors" > "is_color_dynamic" > "style_annotation"

A full example

In the Examples, we provide a full demo of changing the colors of the annotations. To view the details, check the Examples/Colors section.